App development tools
App development tools: The Layout Manager
The Layout Manager gives easy control over the layout of the application to Users logged on with the correct level of security.
The Site view gives you a live clickable site map and access to all the development tools. Structural Pages and Components can be added, deleted and renamed and you can control individual page and section behavior. You can click and drag pages and sections to new positions in the site and clearString will retain all the page associations, graphics, links and relationships and automatically fix-up the navigation. Data based application development is fast, powerful and simple.
Online development tools
clearString - neatComponents app development tools are different. It isn't just a web-based GUI for manipulating grid-form database structures. In fact, you never see the 'database' at all.
clearString app development tools are a complete toolbox of encapsulated components for creating and managing all sorts of app development from a simple single-pager to the most sophisticated e-commerce or data-management application. It is fully integrated and installs from a single download. Components always work - there is no debugging thousands of lines of code and you never have to worry about interpreting code when staff turnover.
Don't sweat the hard stuff - clearString app development tools have already done it
There is no coding, no programming but clearString app development tools are still fully flexible - without requiring creative compromises. It is not a template system. There is an unlimited ability to make back-end changes, create forms, use queries, & create site designs, and database management is fully integrated.
Modern applications are much more than can be expected of just one person - but you are just one person. clearString app development tools allow you full creative freedom whilst taking care of all the technical aspects: nightmares like
Database integration,
User permissions,
Website and Application hosting,
Content management,
E-mail integration,
...and much more.
clearString in a nutshell - your life becomes less boring and better paid
You use a single program - clearString - that you install on a Windows box which enables you to sell a service to lots of customers. It provides a complete suite of web development tools.
- The service is integrated application building and application hosting with full site-by-site front-end content management.
- clearString empowers you by making difficult tasks easy and tedious jobs quick to do.
- And it manages your billing and credit control for you as well.
What more could you want?
Let your existing clients update their own apps, whilst you work with new ones
It's always more profitable - and fun - to be working on new projects, but existing clients need constant attention too. clearString web development tools allow you to let clients make changes to their apps themselves. It protects them from the technical aspects like HTML, CSS, and SQL and also from inadvertently destroying templates and site furniture.
What's more, the increased immediacy and control clearString web development tools give them over the app enables you to sell this aspect as a premium feature. This allows you to effectively charge them for making changes to their own app. Meanwhile, you can concentrate on new clients, and new revenue streams.
And always get paid on time
Your clearString web development tools doesn't just provide an editing interface, but also runs the hosting too. So it knows how busy apps are, and can run charging plans for you: you can charge flat-rate monthly amounts, or be creative and charge in proportion to site usage (a good plan, since sites tend to get busier over time).
An Accounts Console gives a birds-eye view of your business with a Summary of all Accounts by Month, showing the individual account Status with Invoices, Payments and Balance figures - all automatically generated and tied into an online payment system.
The clearString app development tools keep track of all this, and emails your clients when they owe you money, allows them to pay online, into your PayPal or similar account, and if they don't pay, encourages them to do so by suspending their site. All this without you having to lift a finger.
No awkward phone calls, no excuses.
| Using clearString to manage Users and Access with web access management | |
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| An overview of the neatComponents platform | |
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| In-depth information about managing structure | |