clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.

Web-based service



As a web-based service - hosted on your own server or in the Cloud  - the system requires no client-side editing software, just a browser - Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Firefox - giving total flexibility in where site editing and development is performed.






The server software that powers clearString and hosts all your websites and web applications is installed on a machine, accessed either on the LAN (local network) or across the Internet in the Cloud or at a hosting company.




It is a normal installation experience, so you shouldn't expect any surprises. The installation process is straightforward and should only take a few minutes. There are no separate databases to install and configure, there are no scripting languages to install. The installer mananges everything for you
When the installation completes you should see the neatComponents 'Server Manager' for your new Installation. 

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clearString - codeless web application development software created by:

Enstar Better Software

"After years of having to use sub-standard servers, I feel I should be offering you half my kingdom and my daughter's hand in marriage."

J Spence, Toucan

"I never cease to be amazed by your team."

V Garcia, Canada


Launching SharedImpact's global philanthropic transaction platform at Thomson Reuters, New York.

Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




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Milton Keynes

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