clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.

Site security

A highly granular security model allows the definition of unlimited numbers of user and usergroups, and a rich permissions-based security model maps on to the individual sections and pages within the site.

Even for public sites, security is important. clearString ensures that there is a solid security system behind every site.
Security influences system design and programming throughout, ensuring that there are no weak points within the system. 
Users are managed through the use of three dedicated components:
User Log-in, User Group Manager and the User Manager
User Group manager
In addition to any User Groups that are provided withthe site on creation, any number of additional User Groups can be created by right-clicking on the User Group Manager surface.
Control Rules can then be created between user groups.
User Manager
The User Manager component allows users' account details to be edited, permissions granted and passwords reset.
User Log-in

The User Log-In component authenticates users of the site, and can provide the ability for visitors to self-register.


The User Log-In controls access to all parts of the website by matching the user against the permissions set for them by the site creator.


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Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




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