clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.

Editing and CMS

    CMS and Editing in a Data Environment...

Websites and applications created using clearString codeless web development software have inherent CMS or Content Mangement.

Content Management System

Every page created using clearString codeless web development software inherently has full Content Management without further configuration.

Ease of use

Easy editing of content is a key requirement for a website or web application. clearString codeless web development software stores every page in its database. You can then edit that page using a text editor - just like using a regular word processor. The edit tools make it simple to create new content and edit existing pages. You can even tweak the Source if you really want to.
The web development software just as easily allows you to give someone else permission to log in and make changes to a page, and there are simple controls to allow you to require approval before someone publishes that content. The  web development software will email you to let you know there is an approval request waiting.
The clearString text editor built into the web development software makes it simple to convert text and images into links. The database behind the web development software means that there is no need to use FTP file transfer to upload images, documents or other file types. You can do that right from the page itself using the editor controls.
clearString PlatformVS Typical CMS System
Manages all this:
The designer
can concentrate on:
CMS Tools
Typically do just this:
The designer
is responsible for all this:
Site structure
Coding and programming
Content management
Data management
User management
Revenue management
Business concept
Graphic design
Content management
User management
Business concept
Site structure
Graphic design
Coding and programming
Data management
Revenue management
clearString codeless web development software gives you precise control over the position of elements on the page surface, and as you have source access to the page, advanced users can use <DIV> positioning.

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clearString - codeless web application development software created by:

Enstar Better Software

"After years of having to use sub-standard servers, I feel I should be offering you half my kingdom and my daughter's hand in marriage."

J Spence, Toucan

"I never cease to be amazed by your team."

V Garcia, Canada


Launching SharedImpact's global philanthropic transaction platform at Thomson Reuters, New York.

Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




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Milton Keynes

© Copyright Enstar LLC 2017