clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.

Business Consultants

Created for IT and Business Consultants

clearString is designed to bring business processes online - whether you are working with stand-alone PC based applications, paper based systems or even creating new product or service flow systems in today's BYOD environment.

 No project is too difficult

        Punch above your weight - clearString makes it possible to do the impossible. 

clearString enables Business Consultants work on complex business process projects even if they lack development skills or access to a team of developers. clearString is designed to enable any ordinary web designer to work together with a specialist business consultant to create custom business applications that suit the end-user's requirements exactly. 
You don't have to turn down projects. clearString will build all forms of data driven web and mobile applications from eCommerce to order-flow to scheduling applications and custom CRM apps.

 Now there is enough time

         clearString gives you 30-50%  more time.

clearString is a rapid development platform. Working alone or with an ordinary web designer you can rapidly prototype applications and then convert them into production solutions. Small teams can effectively run, manage and deliver major projects. clearString is a component based system which removes the need for complex and time consuming code debugging. 

Working with clearString means that if your business logic is correct then you can go straight to production - no need to commission a development team, or struggle with overseas vendors 

  SaaS - convert your service into a product

         Build your own custom portfolio of solutions.

All business consultants face an impossible task - how to devote 100% to your current customers while at the same time reaching out to the tomorrow's clients. clearString helps you solve that problem by making it possible to reuse solutions you create. The clearString team is here to support you. We want you to succeed.
Business Consultants can rapidly create a reusable portfolio of solutions that can be deployed many times without having to constantly reinvent the wheel. clearSting give you a competitive advantage when tendering for new work, and the capacity to be out looking for the next interesting project.

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  The power behind clearString codeless web application development software

All rights reserved © Enstar LLC 2017
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clearString - codeless web application development software created by:

Enstar Better Software

"After years of having to use sub-standard servers, I feel I should be offering you half my kingdom and my daughter's hand in marriage."

J Spence, Toucan

"I never cease to be amazed by your team."

V Garcia, Canada


Launching SharedImpact's global philanthropic transaction platform at Thomson Reuters, New York.

Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




New York




Milton Keynes

© Copyright Enstar LLC 2017