clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.


Each client can be given their own Account, that shows invoices and payments for their site or application, together with any other ad hoc charges you need to make. The account manages online payments, credit limits, and emails the client if they need to make payments.

For everyone, the bottom line is revenue, but in the world of web design, where creativity comes first, the mundane issues of log file analysis and usage based billing are a tedious chore. Chasing customers for payment is a thankless task, and turning someone's site off for non-payment can be seen as a personal affront.

The Accounting system manages all these tasks, gives your clients an interface where they can manage their payments, and takes the personal pain out of the task of asking, and chasing, for payment.  In extremis, it can even suspend their sites if they exceed their credit limit.



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clearString - codeless web application development software created by:

Enstar Better Software

"After years of having to use sub-standard servers, I feel I should be offering you half my kingdom and my daughter's hand in marriage."

J Spence, Toucan

"I never cease to be amazed by your team."

V Garcia, Canada


Launching SharedImpact's global philanthropic transaction platform at Thomson Reuters, New York.

Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




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