clearString codeless web application development software                                                                          Video: How clearString works.


    How you do E-commerce...

clearstring gives you full control.

Not just another shopping cart

Just like the rest of the clearString system, the ecommerce engine is not just a simple 'template' system where you have to restructure your business to follow some other model. 
  • Stock control 
  • Inventory
  • Associate systems
  • Cross border tax calculations
  • Plus all the regular cart functionality you expect. And more...
Data is stored in the standard data model of Forms, Queries and Views, where you have complete flexibility over the field structure and appearance. The basic ecommerce structure is designed to be molded to your exact requirements including stock control, associate systems, tax and shipping charges and bundling products.

Delivery, and Charges and Taxes

Oh my. Template based ecommerce systems can break down when it comes to how your business works. clearString gives you the flexibility you need whether you are shipping virtual products like software, bundled products like audio systems or timed deliveries of fresh fruit. You can even have differential pricing for urgent delivery. Naturally the system copes with ad hoc charges as well as structured shipping costs, and understands sales taxes.

Transaction API

There are many situations where you want to allow a third party website (a ‘Vendor’) to sell your products, taking the payment from the customer (the 'Purchaser'), and then you provide the product. This could be a drop shipping relationship, or one where they are acting as a reseller and you ship via them.
Whatever the specifics of the business relationship, there are several technical challenges to manage:
  • Provide the Vendor with your catalog so they can display it on their site.
  • Get notified by their site when they sell one of your products – so you can adjust your stock control and supply the item.
  • Keep account of how much the Vendor owes you for the items they have sold.

The External Sale Connector component acts as the hub that provides the interface between your site and the third party vendor sites. The third party sites can be created using this software, or any other system, so long as they connect using the defined API. 

Getting paid

clearString integrates with the major payment gateways such as PayPal, Worldpay and Authorize, and if the gateway you need is not listed we will provide integration on demand. The clearString ecommerce engine provides invoices and reports, and can email them. Any number of emails can be sent once the order has been paid for. The contents of these emails are completely customizable, and can be used to, confirm the order to the customer, give the customer a link to a webpage containing their Invoice, give the site owner's accounts department a link to the Invoice, pass details of the order to production / order fulfillment and add the customer's details to external customer management system  databases.


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Launching SharedImpact's global philanthropic transaction platform at Thomson Reuters, New York.

Enstar releases latest version of clearString software.




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